NEM Energy tekent een nieuw contract met Siemens Energy voor de levering van twee horizontale Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG’s) voor een nieuwe gecombineerde cyclus energiecentrale in Texas, VS. Na voltooiing zal de centrale een geschatte output hebben van ongeveer 1,2 GW.

Dit project zal de eindgebruiker Sandow Lakes Energy Company ondersteunen bij het leveren van een betrouwbare en efficiënte stroomvoorziening aan zijn klanten. NEM Energy heeft al vele eenheden in succesvol bedrijf in de Verenigde Staten, die bijdragen aan vele gigawatts aan equivalente energiecapaciteit. NEM blijft baanbrekende HRSG-technologie leveren voor enkele van de grootste en meest efficiënte energiecentrales ter wereld. De nieuwe energiecentrale zal worden uitgerust met NEM’s gepatenteerde DrumPlusTM HRSG-ontwerp, waardoor de centrale unieke snelle start- en cyclische mogelijkheden krijgt en in harmonie kan werken met de fluctuerende hernieuwbare energiebronnen op het net.

Foto van de ondertekeningsceremonie van links naar rechts: Aamir Iqbal, Gary Gong, Henry Hoiting, Eric Weinstein, Hector Galarza & Marc Wennekes.


Dankbaar voor een geweldige ervaring op de 501F&G-gebruikersconferentie in Tucson Arizona!

Hartelijk dank aan al onze klanten en industriepartners die onze tafel bezochten en veel interesse toonden in onze Advanced Rotor Air Cooler (RAC). Jullie enthousiasme en waardevolle discussies maakten dit evenement tot een fantastisch succes.

Bij Balcke Duerr zetten we ons in voor het leveren van innovatieve en betrouwbare oplossingen om de prestaties van fabrieken te optimaliseren. Onze Advanced RAC zorgt voor naadloze brownfield-vervanging, verhoogde beschikbaarheid en verbeterde efficiëntie – en we vonden het geweldig om de voordelen ervan uit de eerste hand te kunnen laten zien.

We kijken ernaar uit om deze gesprekken voort te zetten en te onderzoeken hoe we uw projecten kunnen ondersteunen. Laten we samen de toekomst van energieoplossingen vormgeven!

250107_contract signing

NEM Energy zal twee horizontale Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) leveren, inclusief Exhaust Gas Bypass Systems (EGBSs), voor een nieuwe gecombineerde cyclus energiecentrale in Saoedi-Arabië. De centrale, met een geschatte output van ongeveer 1.300 MW (~1,3 GW), wordt verwacht tegen eind 2028 stroom aan het net te leveren.

Dit project zal de Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), de eigenaar en eindgebruiker van de centrale, ondersteunen bij het leveren van een betrouwbare en efficiënte stroomvoorziening aan zijn klanten. NEM Energy heeft al talrijke eenheden succesvol in bedrijf in Saoedi-Arabië, die bijdragen aan verschillende gigawatt aan equivalente energiecapaciteit.

Deze bestelling benadrukt de concurrentiekracht van NEM bij het leveren van geavanceerde HRSG-technologie voor enkele van de grootste en meest efficiënte energiecentrales ter wereld. NEM Energy heeft het contract getekend met het Spaanse Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Técnicas Reunidas en kijkt uit naar een succesvolle samenwerking.

NEM Energy Group starts working with Power Perdana Nusantara (PPN) as local partner for the Geothermal power generation market in Indonesia. PPN was already active in other segments for NEM, but the existing agreement has been extended to Geothermal heat exchangers, coming from the NEM Balcke Dürr portfolio. Through the cooperation with PPN, NEM Energy Group is heavily invested in Indonesia and is looking forward to providing key energy technologies to the country.

From left to right: @Farnaz Mirzaei, @Ahmet Cengiz, @Marc Wennekes

NEM Energy signs contract to provide Heat Recovery Steam Generator and bypass system for a new power plant Jizzakh in Uzbekistan.

NEM Energy is to supply one DrumPlusTM Heat Recovery Steam Generator (#HRSG) including Exhaust Gas Bypass System (#EGBS) for a new Combined Cycle Power Plant (#CCPP) in Uzbekistan. The power plant will have an expected output of roughly 520 MW and is expected to provide power to the grid by the end of 2025. NEM signed the contract directly with end-customer and operator @Cengiz Enerji from Turkey. The steam generator will have the unique capability of fast start and cycling, using the patented second-generation NEM DrumPlus-technology. NEM and Cengiz look forward to a successful cooperation together on this project with a great deal of future potential.

From left to right: Aderaldo Bruno Modesto de Menezes (GPE), Marc Wennekes (NEM), Henry Hoiting (NEM) & Cassiano José Souza da Silva (GPE)

NEM Energy signs contract to provide key components for a new power plant in Manaus, Brazil, with Global Participações em Energia S.A. (GPE)

NEM Energy is to supply two vertical Drum Type Steam Generators (DTSGs) including Exhaust Gas Bypass Systems (EGBSs) for a new Combined Cycle Power plant in Manaus, Brazil. The power plant will have an expected output of roughly 165 MW and is expected to provide power to the grid by the end of 2025. NEM Energy has many units in successful operation in Brazil as well as in other countries in Latin America, providing reliable references to obtain such a new contract. DTSG heat recovery products of NEM are a competitive solution for the lowest total installed cost due to easy installation on site.

Independent certification of “H2-Readiness” 2. November 2023

NEM is the first manufacturer to receive a concept certificate from TÜV SÜD for the H2-Readiness of heat recovery steam generators

Munich, Germany / Zoeterwoude, Netherlands. TÜV SÜD has developed a guideline for defining the H2-Readiness of power plants and power plant equipment and offers an independent third-party certification for OEMs and EPCs. NEM is the first provider worldwide to receive a concept certificate for its H2-Readiness concept for heat recovery steam generators and waste heat recovery units, including complementary equipment such as bypass stacks.

Hydrogen can play a central role in the decarbonization of energy systems. In particular, natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants (CCPP) currently being built or planned are also expected to run partially or fully on hydrogen fuel in the future. This means that CCPP developers and operators will expect from manufacturers of relevant components or subsystems evidence of the ability of their products to run on hydrogen in the future, also known as “H2-Readiness”.

The H2-Readiness guideline and the certification of TÜV SÜD can cover a complete power plant with all relevant subsystems. NEM is a manufacturer of heat recovery steam generators and exhaust gas bypass systems, which are used in CCCP to generate steam or hot water from the exhaust gas of the gas turbines. The concept certificate of TÜV SÜD confirms, that the H2-Readiness concept of NEM for the bidding phase of newly built projects complies with the requirements of the guideline and that the heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) are ready for the use with hydrogen up to 100 percent.

The H2-Readiness certification of TÜV SÜD includes three stages and three certificates. First, a concept certificate for the conceptual design including boundary conditions during the bidding phase; second, a project certificate for the final plant design and its specifications; and third, a transition certificate for the conversion of an existing CCPP to burn hydrogen – including a review of the retrofit measures and their impact on safety and performance.

“This is the first time, that we have issued a concept certificate to a manufacturer of heat recovery steam generators. This shows that our guideline and our certification scheme can be applied modularly by selecting the relevant sections for the evaluation,” says Pierre Huck, responsible project manager on the TÜV SÜD side.

“We’re proud to be the first HRSG manufacturer to receive this important certification. If we design our heat recovery steam generators today for future operation with hydrogen, they will make an important contribution to a reliable and sustainable power supply in the long term,” says Sebastiaan Ruijgrok, Manager Marketing & Business Development at NEM.

The TÜV SÜD certification can be applied to a wide range of solutions. The provider of testing, inspection and certification services has amassed wide-ranging expertise and experience in the field of hydrogen technologies supporting the entire H2 value chain from production, storage and distribution up to application in various areas, such as industrial production, transport or power generation.

For more information on TÜV SÜD services for a safe and sustainable hydrogen industry visit


Media Relations:

Dr. Thomas Oberst
Corporate Communications
Westendstrasse 199, 80686 Munich
Tel.      +49 (0) 89 / 57 91 – 23 72
Fax      +49 (0) 89 / 57 91 – 22 69
Email:     [email protected]
Sebastiaan Ruijgrok
NEM Energy B.V.
Marketing & Business Development
Stadhouderslaan 900, 2382 BL Zoeterwoude
The Netherlands
Tel.      +31 (0) 71 / 20 53 600
Mobile  +31 (0) 63 0056 756
Email:     [email protected]


About TÜV SÜD: Founded in 1866 as a steam boiler inspection association, the TÜV SÜD Group has evolved into a global enterprise. More than 26,000 employees work at over 1.000 locations in about 50 countries to continually improve technology, systems and expertise. They contribute significantly to making technical innovations such as Industry 4.0, autonomous driving, renewable energy and hydrogen technologies safe and reliable.

About NEM Energy Group: Established in 1929, and worldwide known as NEM, NEM Energy Group is a leading, global Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) company in the field of heat transfer technology and exhaust systems. NEM has focused its activities on the Energy busi­ness. The portfolio includes heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU), heat exchangers, exhaust diverter solutions, as well as aftermarket services for existing installations. NEM’s customized solutions drive a carbon-neutral society in three directions: increasing energy efficiency, flexible operations of power and heat generation, and carbon-free heat transfer.

With over 130 years of experience, NEM Energy Group stands as a prominent OEM in heat transfer technology and exhaust solutions.

Engage with this insightful article as our esteemed CEO, Alexander Wisse, talks about NEM pioneering the energy transition on three fronts: enhancing energy efficiency, enabling adaptable power generation, and championing carbon-free heat transfer. Notable accomplishments encompass monumental HRSG projects and groundbreaking designs in pursuit of sustainable energy solutions.

Discover the complete article.


On the first of April 2023, NEM Energy B.V. has fully acquired Balcke-Dürr GmbH. Following the transaction, Balcke-Dürr has become a part of the NEM organization. In the coming period the two organizations will start to work closer together to enforce and expand the product and service portfolios of both companies.

Alexander Wisse, CEO of NEM Energy B.V. is pleased to see Balcke-Dürr joining the NEM organization and said: ”Both organizations have great potential to benefit from each other’s capabilities. For instance, NEM’s global market presence with Balcke-Dürr aftermarket competences.”

About Balcke-Dürr
With more than 130 years of experience, the Balcke-Dürr Group offers innovative solutions for utilities and chemical industry, ranging from standard to customized equipment and from single component to complete systems. Balcke-Dürr’s experienced engineers are specialized in solutions that meet the highest safety and sustainability requirements. The product portfolio includes heat exchangers and reactors, cooling towers, nuclear decommissioning and maintenance services.

About NEM Energy
Established in 1929, and worldwide simply known as NEM, is a leading, global Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) company in the field of steam related equipment and exhaust systems. NEM has focused its activities in the Energy business. The portfolio includes Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs), Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRUs), Diverters & Dampers, as well as service and spare parts for existing installations. NEM has supplied custom-made solutions with regard to steam generators for power generation and industrial applications throughout the world.

NEM will provide services to existing Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) installations that will increase the availability and reliability of a critical industrial site where LNG is produced. These installations were initially installed by another Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), but the customer selected NEM for its unique know-how and expertise in HRSGs. NEM has provided many steam generators to various operators in Qatar. The first installations were shipped from the Netherlands to Qatar already in the seventies.

NEM is committed to supporting Qatar to improve energy efficiency and thereby reducing emissions. Director of NEM Boiler Services Frits Engelage is proud about this new order: ”We are extremely happy to work on this project. It underwrites the know-how of NEM and its capability to service any HRSG type and make. We are dedicated to support customers with energy efficiency improvements”. NEM provides a full range of services for existing HRSG installations that can help operators improve the performance of their installations.

This portfolio is high lighted here.