Arbeiten bei NEM
Als Teil eines internationalen, in der globalen Energiebranche tätigen Unternehmens, ist NEM ist eines der weltweit renommiertesten Unternehmen im Bereich der Wärmerückgewinnungs-Dampferzeuger.
Unsere vielseitige Organisation mit rund 300 motivierten Mitarbeitern führt Projekte in der ganzen Welt durch. Wir bieten Ihnen einen Arbeitsplatz in einem innovativen und professionellen Arbeitsumfeld mit einer starken internationalen Ausrichtung. Anerkennung, Chancen und Flexibilität sind Schlüsselelemente der Arbeit bei NEM.
Obwohl für jede Stelle die Anwesenheit in unserem Büro in Zoeterwoude oder Recklinghausen erforderlich ist, arbeiten wir in einer hybriden Arbeitsweise, bei der die Arbeit von zu Hause aus möglich ist.
Gute Arbeitsbedingungen
NEM in den Niederlanden unterliegt dem Tarifvertrag (auf Niederländisch CAO) von Metalektro. Metalektro ist der kollektive Name für Unternehmen, die in der metallverarbeitenden und elektrotechnischen Industrie tätig sind, u.a. in den Bereichen Schweißen, Entwurf, Galvanisierung, (De-)Montage und Wartung. Dieser Tarifvertrag beschreibt die Regeln und Vorschriften für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer, die z. B. Lohnerhöhungen, Überstunden und andere arbeitsrechtliche Fragen betreffen. NEM bietet sehr attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen mit der Möglichkeit, sich weiterzuentwickeln und zu lernen. Die Mitarbeitenden haben Anspruch auf 27 Urlaubstage und 13 TCC-Tage (Time Credit Compensation) pro Jahr.
Wir bieten:
Freie Stellen
Nachstehend finden Sie alle aktuellen Stellenangebote nach Standort und wie Sie sich bewerben können. Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf Ihre Bewerbung.
Recklinghausen, GermanyDesign Engineer (m/w/d) (German Translation)
Werde teil von NEM Energy als Design Engineer (m/w/d)
Die Position
An unserem Standort im nordrhein-westfälischen Recklinghausen arbeiten ca. 50 Mitarbeiter. Unser Büro befindet sich in der Nähe einer Autobahnabfahrt in einem im Grünen gelegenen Industriegebiet. Wir stehen für flache Hierarchien und einem freundlichen, kollegialen Umgang miteinander. Dein zukünftiges Team im Engineering freut sich auf Dich!Key Skills & Verantwortlichkeiten
- Du konstruierst mit Hilfe von 3D Modellen (Inventor) entsprechend den projektspezifischen Spezifikationen und anzuwendenden Standards
- Du erstellst Zusammenbau- und Einzelteilzeichnungen verschiedener Schweißbaugruppen sowie die dazugehörige Material-Stücklisten
- Das Erstellen von Transport- und Montagedokumentationen gehört auch in deinen Alltag
- Deine Mitarbeit in verschiedenen Konstruktionsteams ist täglich gefragt sowie die Zeichnungsüberprüfung grundlegend zu deinen Aufgaben gehört
- Je nach Projektgröße leitest Du bei Bedarf ein kleines Team und/oder koordinierst die Engineering Aktivitäten unserer internationalen Lieferanten
Was Du mitbringst
- Du hast ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes technisches Studium (Ingenieur, z.B. Maschinenbau/Konstruktionstechnik oder Stahlbau) oder eine andere technische Ausbildung (z.B. Techniker)
- Das 3D Programm Inventor geht dir leicht von der Hand und idealerweise hast Du Erfahrungen in AutoCad Mechanical
- Idealerweise bringst Du Erfahrungen im Bereich der Konstruktion von Stahlbauten / Kanälen im Bereich der Heißgasanwendung mit; Berufseinsteiger sind jedoch auch willkommen
- Die englische Sprache in Wort und Schrift geht Dir leicht von der Hand
- Du bist kreativ, zeigst gerne Eigeninitiative und arbeitest gerne im Team. Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zählst du auch zu deinen Stärken
Über NEM Energy
NEM Energy B.V., Niederlassung Deutschland ist Teil des international tätigen Unternehmens NEM Energy B.V. mit Hauptsitz in den Niederlanden. Unsere Organisationseinheit ist weltweit führend in der Entwicklung und Lieferung von Gas- und Luftleitsystemen, welche vorwiegend in modernen Gaskraftwerken zur effizienten Energieerzeugung einen Beitrag leistet. Dabei umfasst unser Produktspektrum schwerpunktmäßig Gasweichen sowie Kamine inklusive schalldämpfender Komponenten. Im sich wandelnden Energiemarkt gibt es zahlreiche Anwendungsfälle, wo unsere Expertise dazu beiträgt, emissionsarme und zukunftsorientierte Technologien zu etablieren.
Was wir Dir bieten
Mitunserer flexiblen Arbeitszeitgestaltung hast Du morgens genug Zeit, um auf einem unser kostenlosen Parkplätze zu parken oder Dein Bike in der Fahrradgarage abzustellen. Neben einem modernen Office, in dem Du ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld vorfindest, ermöglicht Dir Home-Office, Deine Arbeit an Deine individuellen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Wir fördern die Gesundheit und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden und legen Wert auf eine leistungsgerechte Vergütung sowie finanzielle Benefits. Alle Mitarbeitenden werden in einem kollegialen Umfeld, mit flachen Hierarchien, respektiert und geschätzt.Bewirb Dich jetzt!
Sende Deinen CV und ein Motivationsschreiben an [email protected]!
Recklinghausen, GermanyDesign Engineer (m/w/d)
Become part of NEM Energy as a Design Engineer (m/w/d)
The role
Approximately 50 employees work at our location in Recklinghausen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Our office is located near a motorway exit in a green industrial area. We stand for flat hierarchies and friendly, collegial interaction with each other.Your future team in engineering is looking forward to meeting you!
Key skills & responsibilities
- You design with the use of 3D models (Inventor) according to the project-specific specifications and applicable standards.
- You create assembly and individual part drawings of various welded assemblies as well as the corresponding material parts lists.
- The creation of transport and assembly documentation is also part of your daily routine.
- Your cooperation in various design teams is required on a daily basis, and checking drawings is a fundamental part of your duties.
- Depending on the size of the project, you will lead a small team if necessary and/or coordinate the engineering activities of our international suppliers.
Candidate requirements
- You have successfully completed a technical degree (engineer, e.g., mechanical engineering/construction technology or steel construction) or another technical training (e.g., technician).
- It is advantageous if you have knowledge of the 3D program Inventor as well as AutoCad Mechanical.
- Ideally, you have experience in the construction of steel structures / ducts in the field of hot gas application; however, beginners are also welcome.
- The English language, both written and spoken, comes easily to you.
- You are creative, like to show initiative and enjoy working in a team. Good communication skills are also one of your strengths.
About NEM Energy?
NEM Energy B.V., Branch Germany is part of the globally active company NEM Energy B.V., headquartered in the Netherlands. Our organizational unit is a global leader in the development and supply of gas turbine exhaust systems, which are mainly used in modern combined cycle power plants for efficient energy generation. Our product range focuses on gas tight diverters for high-temperature applications and steel stacks including sound-absorbing components. In the changing energy market, there are numerous applications in which our expertise helps to establish low emission, carbon free and future oriented technologies.
What we offer
With our flexible working hours, you have enough time in the morning to park your car for free in one of our parking spots or store your bike in the bicycle garage. In addition to a modern office, where you will find a pleasant working environment, we offer the option of working from home, allowing you to adapt your work to your individual needs. We promote the health and further education of our employees and place value on fair compensation and financial benefits. All employees are respected and appreciated in a collegial environment with flat hierarchies.
Apply now!
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to [email protected]!
Zoeterwoude, the NetherlandsStrategy PMO Consultant
Join us at NEM Energy as a Strategy PMO Consultant
The role
With Your analytical approach and strong communication skills, You will be working on strategic topics for a company active in the worldwide energy marketplace, driving the company’s success towards the future. As PMO (Project Management Office) strategy consultant You will be responsible for reporting on our transformation program for all product and service activities, across all business units. This includes tracking strategic activities that contribute to growth of our business. The department works directly with the corporate NEM Group board of management and interacts between the organization and its shareholders.The PMO department is working jointly with the Marketing & Business Development (M&BD) department: a diverse and multi-cultural team interacting closely with the board of management under the corporate Commercial department. The PMO consultant will report to the Head of Marketing, BD & PMO.
Key skills & responsibilities
- Working on and executing quantitative and qualitative analysis for all NEM Group product lines.
- Collecting and reporting all relevant activities concerning our strategic plan.
- Working on and supporting the marketing and communication strategy.
- Making the NEM brand the best in its field of business.
Candidate requirements
- Bachelor or Master degree in a commercial, business or technical field.
- Experience in business to business environment.
- Very strong Excel and PowerPoint skills.
- Consultancy Experience and/or MBA degree are a plus.
About NEM Energy?
NEM Energy B.V., operating worldwide under the NEM brand, is a globally leading equipment supplier in the field of heat transfer technology with close to a century of experience. NEM is known for its quality and innovation with own R&D, NEM develops new technology for the energy transition. NEM supplies efficient solutions for power and heat generation for many industries and applications, from design to aftermarket services. NEM has supplied close to 1,000 steam generators on six continents, with a total equivalent energy capacity that could power 200 million (Dutch) households. With close to a century of history, NEM is a renowned brand in field of energy, globally. NEM’s headquarters are located in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands, alongside subsidiaries in Germany and projects all over the globe.
What we offer
NEM offers very attractive labor conditions with the opportunity for self-development and learning. Employees are entitled to 27 vacation days and 13 TCC (time credit compensation) days per year which brings the total number of free days to 40 per year. Furthermore, NEM underwrites the Collective Labor Agreement (in Dutch CAO) of Metalektro which comes with good secondary labor conditions as well as frequent CAO-based salary raises.
We offer You a job in an innovative and professional working environment with a strong international focus. Recognition, opportunities, and flexibility are key components of working at NEM. Although any position will require attendance at our office in Zoeterwoude or Recklinghausen as the need arises, we are operating a hybrid way of working, where working from home is fully acceptable.Apply now!
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to [email protected]!
Recklinghausen, GermanyTechnical Coordinator / Expeditor (m/w/d)(German Translation)
Werde teil von NEM Energy als Technical Coordinator / Expeditor (m/w/d)
Die Position – wie Du etwas bewirkst!
An unserem Standort im nordrhein-westfälischen Recklinghausen arbeiten ca. 50 Mitarbeiter. Unser Büro befindet sich in der Nähe einer Autobahnabfahrt in einem im Grünen gelegenen Industriegebiet. Wir stehen für flache Hierarchien und einem freundlichen, kollegialen Umgang miteinander. Dein zukünftiges Team im Procurement freut sich auf Dich!Key Skills & Verantwortlichkeiten
- Du übernimmst die Kommunikation mit unseren Lieferanten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf die Fertigungsstätten weltweit.
- Du überwachst die lfd. Bestellungen in Bezug auf Herstellungs- / Fertigungsfortschritt sowie auf Einhaltung der Termine
- Koordination und Abwicklung des Dokumentenaustausches zwischen NEM Energy und den Lieferanten. Das können beispielsweise Fortschrittsberichte, Schweißdokumente u.ä. sein
- Du bist Ansprechpartner/in für unsere Mitarbeiter/innen vor Ort in der Werkstatt, koordinierst Qualitätskontrolle, Fertigungsüberwachung und die Fertigungsabnahme
- Begleitung und Unterstützung des Logistik- / Versandprozesses. Einholen und ggf. Erstellen von Packlisten
Was Du mitbringst
- Du hast ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes technisches Studium (Ingenieur bzw. Wirtschaftsingenieur) oder eine andere technische Ausbildung
- Vorteilhaft ist, wenn Du erfolgreich eine schweißtechnische Ausbildung absolviert hast
- Idealerweise bringst Du Erfahrungen im Bereich Einkauf bzw. Subcontracting mit
- Die englische Sprache in Wort und Schrift geht Dir leicht von der Hand und gehört selbstverständlich zu Deinen täglichen Aktivitäten
- Kaufmännisches Verständnis und Verhandlungsgeschickt sind ideal
- Gute Kommunikationskenntnisse, Flexibilität und Reisebereitschaft (ca. 15%) gehören auch dazu
- Gut wäre, wenn Du Erfahrung mit MS NAVISION und/oder SAP mitbringst
Wer ist NEM Energy
NEM Energy B.V., Niederlassung Deutschland ist Teil des international tätigen Unternehmens NEM Energy B.V. mit Hauptsitz in den Niederlanden. Unsere Organisationseinheit ist weltweit führend in der Entwicklung und Lieferung von Gas- und Luftleitsystemen, welche vorwiegend in modernen Gaskraftwerken zur effizienten Energieerzeugung einen Beitrag leistet. Dabei umfasst unser Produktspektrum schwerpunktmäßig Gasweichen sowie Kamine inklusive schalldämpfender Komponenten. Im sich wandelnden Energiemarkt gibt es zahlreiche Anwendungsfälle, wo unsere Expertise dazu beiträgt, emissionsarme und zukunftsorientierte Technologien zu etablieren
Was bieten wir Dir?
Mitunserer flexiblen Arbeitszeitgestaltung hast Du morgens genug Zeit, um auf einem unser kostenlosen Parkplätze zu parken oder Dein Bike in der Fahrradgarage abzustellen. Neben einem modernen Office, in dem Du ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld vorfindest, ermöglicht Dir Home Office, Deine Arbeit an Deine individuellen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Wir fördern die Gesundheit und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden und legen Wert auf eine leistungsgerechte Vergütung sowie finanzielle Benefits. Alle Mitarbeitenden werden in einem kollegialen Umfeld, mit flachen Hierarchien, respektiert und geschätzt.Bewirb Dich jetzt!
Sende Deinen CV und ein Motivationsschreiben an [email protected]!
Zoeterwoude, the NetherlandsGroup FP&A Manager
Join us at NEM Energy as a Group FP&A Manager
The role
As Group FP&A (financial planning & analysis) Manager, you will drive the success of NEM Energy Group with a focus on growth, performance improvements and business consolidation. You take ownership of the financial management reporting model which forms the basis of the monthly report to the MT and shareholder. Together with the CFO, finance team, and line management, you analyse and challenge the results, develop accurate forecasts and budgets, and support with business decisions. You will be in control of the liquidity forecast and support the CFO to optimize the funding structure of the group. You have a strong focus on developing clear reports and KPI dashboards which are available to the business through reporting tools like Power BI. You will work in a fast paced, highly dynamic environment. By the end of last year, the NEM Energy business was carved out from Siemens Energy and acquired by Mutares SE & Co. KGaA (a German-based listed private equity firm). At the end of the first quarter of this year, the company acquired Balcke Dürr being already a portfolio company of Mutares and operating in similar businesses. Currently, the companies are being integrated toward the NEM Energy Group, which comes with changes in organizational structure, processes, IT, tooling and management reporting. Looking ahead, more M&A activity is expected which will keep having its impact on the organisation.In this role, you have the opportunity to help set up and shape the group-wide business and management reporting framework. You will also be actively involved with, or coordinating multiple improvement initiatives related to ERP migrations, reporting tooling, data management and financial modelling.
Key skills & responsibilities
- Excellent analytical, financial modelling and reporting skills.
- Business sense and focus on improving performance (identifying issues, developing KPIs).
- Communicative skills (partner in business, getting the message across).
- Hands on and proactive approach; getting things done.
- Strong focus on automation and implementation of reporting tools (like Power BI).
- drive the financial management reporting model including the forecast of the group which forms the basis of the monthly report to the board and shareholder.
- run the weekly (13-weeks) and long term (12 month) liquidity planning.
- develop, implement and improve reports and KPIs in Excel and Power BI which support the business achieving their goals.
- support management with financial analysis, developing business models, M&A and PMI activities, identifying financing needs and funding solutions.
Candidate requirements
- Masters level education (Economics, Finance, or Business Administration), preferably with post-master Qualification (RC/CMA).
- You have 6-10 years of experience in financial and analytical functions, from which a few years of relevant experience in a similar role. You have started your career having worked for a ‘big four’ accounting, consulting or corporate finance firm or bank.
- Experience with SAP and Power BI are big plusses, just like having worked in a project driven environment.
About NEM Energy?
NEM Energy B.V., operating worldwide under the NEM brand, is a globally leading equipment supplier in the field of heat transfer technology with close to a century of experience. NEM is known for its quality and innovation with own R&D, NEM develops new technology for the energy transition. NEM supplies efficient solutions for power and heat generation for many industries and applications, from design to aftermarket services. NEM has supplied close to 1,000 steam generators on six continents, with a total equivalent energy capacity that could power 200 million (Dutch) households. With close to a century of history, NEM is a renowned brand in field of energy, globally. NEM’s headquarters are located in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands, alongside subsidiaries in Germany and projects all over the globe.
What we offer
NEM offers very attractive labor conditions with the opportunity for self-development and learning. Employees are entitled to 27 vacation days and 13 TCC (time credit compensation) days per year which brings the total number of free days to 40 per year. Furthermore, NEM underwrites the Collective Labor Agreement (in Dutch CAO) of Metalektro which comes with good secondary labor conditions as well as frequent CAO-based salary raises.
We offer You a job in an innovative and professional working environment with a strong international focus. Recognition, opportunities, and flexibility are key components of working at NEM. Although any position will require attendance at our office in Zoeterwoude or Recklinghausen as the need arises, we are operating a hybrid way of working, where working from home is fully acceptable.Apply now!
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to [email protected]!
Recklinghausen, GermanyTechnical Coordinator / Expeditor (m/w/d)
Join us at NEM Energy as a Technical Coordinator / Expeditor (m/w/d)
The role
Approximately 50 employees work at our location in Recklinghausen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Our office is located near a motorway in a green industrial area. We stand for flat hierarchies and friendly, collegial interaction with each other. The type of equipment we are dealing with is for example manufactured steel components, stacks, hydraulic power units, actuators, instruments.Your future team in Procurement is looking forward to meeting you!
Key skills & responsibilities
- You take over the communication with our suppliers with the focus on the production sites worldwide.
- You will monitor the current orders with regard to manufacturing/production progress and adherence to deadlines.
- Coordinating and handling the exchange of documents between NEM Energy and the suppliers. This could be, for example, progress reports, welding documents, etc.
- You are the contact person for our employees on site during production and coordinate quality control, production monitoring and production acceptance.
- Accompany and support the logistics / shipping process. Obtaining and, if necessary, creating packing lists.
Candidate requirements
- You have successfully completed a technical degree (engineer or industrial engineer) or a technical background.
- It is advantageous if you have broad knowledge/interest of manufacturing processes.
- Ideally, you have experience around purchasing or subcontracting and in international projects.
- The English language, both written and spoken, comes easily to you and is naturally part of your daily activities.
- Commercial understanding and negotiating skills are ideal.
- Good communication skills, flexibility and willingness to travel (approx. 15%) are also required.
- It would be good if you bring easy IT-systems skills.
About NEM Energy?
NEM Energy B.V., Branch Germany is part of the globally active company NEM Energy B.V., headquartered in the Netherlands. Our organizational unit is a global leader in the development and supply of gas turbine exhaust systems, which are mainly used in modern combined cycle power plants for efficient energy generation. Our product range focuses on gas tight diverters for high-temperature applications and steel stacks including sound-absorbing components. In the changing energy market, there are numerous applications in which our expertise helps to establish low emission, carbon free and future oriented technologies.
What we offer
With our flexible working hours, you have enough time in the morning to park your car for free in one of our parking spots or store your bike in the bicycle garage. In addition to a modern office, where you will find a pleasant working environment, we offer the option of working from home, allowing you to adapt your work to your individual needs. We promote the health and further education of our employees and place value on fair compensation and financial benefits. All employees are respected and appreciated in a collegial environment with flat hierarchies.
Apply now!
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to [email protected]!
Zoeterwoude, the NetherlandsElectrical Engineer
Join us at NEM Energy as an Electrical Engineer.
How You’ll Make an Impact
You will be responsible for the selection of electrical components on boiler plants, within a large international, engineering company. You prepare technical specifications for components purchased from sub-suppliers and evaluate offers. You are in close contact with the project team and suppliers. You ensure proper implementation of contractual requirements. Checking documentation also falls under your responsibility and you may be present at supplier inspections. Your responsibilities include creating Technical datasheets, electrical consumer lists, E&I plot plan and tracing (panels). You will be working with the following components, among others:
- Electric actuators
- LV distribution board
- Electrical tracing
- Burner panels
- SCR panels
- Motors
- Aeronautic Obstruction Lighting
- Cabling and cable trays
- Lighting
- Junction boxes
- E&I plot plan
We are looking for both experienced and starting engineers. In the latter case, probably not all components and documents mean anything to you yet, but we will help you with that!
You will be part of a project team and responsible for your part within the project. In the beginning, you will work directly alongside a buddy, but as soon as you can, you will become responsible for the selection of electrical components on boiler plants.
What You Bring
- A Bachelor in electrical engineering.
- You have either done an internship or worked at an engineering organization and you are sure that "engineering is really your thing".
- Communication and coordination with other departments, colleagues and your project team is very important.
- Excellent command of the Dutch and English languages, both spoken and written.
Who is NEM Energy?
NEM Energy B.V., operating under the NEM brand, is a globally leading equipment supplier in the field of heat transfer technology with close to a century of experience, known for its quality and innovation with a focus on people and safety. NEM supplies solutions for power generation, oil & gas and many other industries, from design to aftermarket services.
NEM has supplied close to 1,000 steam generators on six continents, with a total equivalent capacity that could power 200 million households. With close to a century of history, NEM is a renowned brand in field of energy, globally. NEM’s headquarters are located in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands.
NEM Energy, Branch Germany focuses on Exhaust and Diverter Solutions and is located in Recklinghausen, Germany.
Are you interested in this position? Please send your application and motivation to [email protected].