Einträge von News

NEM Energy schließt Vertrag mit Siemens Energy

  NEM Energy unterzeichnet einen neuen Vertrag mit Siemens Energy über die Lieferung von zwei horizontalen Abhitzedampferzeugern (HRSG) für ein neues Kombikraftwerk in Texas, USA. Nach seiner Fertigstellung wird das Kraftwerk eine geschätzte Leistung von etwa 1,2 GW haben. Dieses Projekt wird den Endverbraucher Sandow Lakes Energy Company dabei unterstützen, seinen Kunden eine zuverlässige und […]

501F&G user conference in Tucson Arizona

  Wir bedanken uns für eine großartige Erfahrung auf der 501F&G-Benutzerkonferenz in Tucson, Arizona! Vielen Dank an alle unsere Kunden und Industriepartner, die unseren Tisch besucht und großes Interesse an unserem Advanced Rotor Air Cooler (RAC) gezeigt haben. Ihr Enthusiasmus und Ihre wertvollen Diskussionen haben diese Veranstaltung zu einem fantastischen Erfolg gemacht. Wir bei Balcke […]

NEM Energy Group unterzeichnet Vertrag für neues Kraftwerk

NEM Energy wird zwei horizontale Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) einschließlich Exhaust Gas Bypass Systems (EGBSs) für ein neues GuD-Kraftwerk in Saudi-Arabien liefern. Das Kraftwerk, mit einer geschätzten Leistung von etwa 1.300 MW (~1,3 GW), soll bis Ende 2028 Strom ins Netz einspeisen. Dieses Projekt wird die Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), den Eigentümer und Endnutzer […]

NEM Energy Group partners with Power Perdana Nusantara

NEM Energy Group starts working with Power Perdana Nusantara (PPN) as local partner for the Geothermal power generation market in Indonesia. PPN was already active in other segments for NEM, but the existing agreement has been extended to Geothermal heat exchangers, coming from the NEM Balcke Dürr portfolio. Through the cooperation with PPN, NEM Energy […]

NEM Energy signs contract with Cengiz Enerji

From left to right: @Farnaz Mirzaei, @Ahmet Cengiz, @Marc Wennekes NEM Energy signs contract to provide Heat Recovery Steam Generator and bypass system for a new power plant Jizzakh in Uzbekistan. NEM Energy is to supply one DrumPlusTM Heat Recovery Steam Generator (#HRSG) including Exhaust Gas Bypass System (#EGBS) for a new Combined Cycle Power […]

NEM Energy signs contract with GPE

From left to right: Aderaldo Bruno Modesto de Menezes (GPE), Marc Wennekes (NEM), Henry Hoiting (NEM) & Cassiano José Souza da Silva (GPE) NEM Energy signs contract to provide key components for a new power plant in Manaus, Brazil, with Global Participações em Energia S.A. (GPE) NEM Energy is to supply two vertical Drum Type […]

NEM First to receive a concept certificate from TÜV SÜD

Independent certification of “H2-Readiness” 2. November 2023 NEM is the first manufacturer to receive a concept certificate from TÜV SÜD for the H2-Readiness of heat recovery steam generators Munich, Germany / Zoeterwoude, Netherlands. TÜV SÜD has developed a guideline for defining the H2-Readiness of power plants and power plant equipment and offers an independent third-party […]

Three questions to CEO Alexander Wisse

With over 130 years of experience, NEM Energy Group stands as a prominent OEM in heat transfer technology and exhaust solutions. Engage with this insightful article as our esteemed CEO, Alexander Wisse, talks about NEM pioneering the energy transition on three fronts: enhancing energy efficiency, enabling adaptable power generation, and championing carbon-free heat transfer. Notable […]

NEM Energy wins order in Poland

Highly efficient Heat Recovery Steam Generator NEM Energy is to supply one of the largest Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) for a new and highly efficient combined cycle power plant in Rybnik, Poland. The power plant will have a capacity of approximately 900 MWe. The new gas turbine-based combined cycle power plant will replace old […]

Major order for NEM Energy

Supplying two vertical DTSGs in Frankfurt, Germany NEM Energy is to supply two vertical Drum Type Steam Generators (DTSGs) for a Combined Heat and Power Plant in Frankfurt, Germany. The project has a special feature. The plant can run on natural gas and is also designed as a hydrogen-ready facility. The plant is expected to […]